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How Often Should Well Water Be Tested?

How Often Should Well Water Be Tested?

The most common question consumers have about their water is whether or not it is safe and healthy to drink. For private well owners, this is a difficult question to answer unless the well has a filtration system that is certified to eliminate/reduce the most common...

5 Ways To Keep Your House Clean

5 Ways To Keep Your House Clean

Our modern lifestyles encourage busy schedules. We all want to be able to work hard, spend time with our loved ones, pursue our interests and keep our homes clean with time to spare. Unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day. We understand how hard it can be to...

How To Deal With Frozen Pipes

How To Deal With Frozen Pipes

Unfortunately, frozen water pipes are one of the harsh realities of the winter season. When outside temperatures drop to below freezing, it's not uncommon for the water in your pipes to turn to ice. As freezing water expands, the pressure inside your pipes begins to...

Letter From Logan

Letter From Logan

We love hearing from children. Here's one of our favorites from Logan in Florence, Oregon. And our response: Dear Logan, Thank you for sending us a sample of your water. I hope you were able to look at the other email that was sent to "The Logan Family" from our Water...

Are you prepared for winter?

Are you prepared for winter?

Freezing weather is coming and you need to protect your water system; here are few simple steps to help Reduce the Risk of Freeze Damage. Pump House & Garage: Turn on a faucet when temperatures drop. Moving water - a good drip is sufficient and less likely to...

Top 10 Causes of Drinking Water Outbreaks!

Top 10 Causes of Drinking Water Outbreaks!

If you're like most people, you don't typically worry about the quality of water coming out of your faucet. With Local Government regulations in place, why would you? The water is put through rigorous testing and quality control efforts to ensure the purest water is...

Why is my Water Bill so High?

Why is my Water Bill so High?

Imagine this; you work hard all month conserving water in an effort to reduce your outrageous water bills, but no matter how hard you try you can't seem to lower those bills. This is a very common situation; there are a lot of different problems that can waste water...

Why is my Water Pressure so Low?

Why is my Water Pressure so Low?

We have all been there before; you step into the shower, expecting a steady supply of hot water, but instead you are met with an inadequate stream of water that leaves you disappointed and shivering. That is just one of the inconveniences that low water pressure can...

Why is my Water Discolored?

When you turn on your faucet, you probably expect the water that comes out to be clean and clear; however, sometimes that is not the case. At Shiloh Water Systems, we have been installing water filters and water softening systems in Oregon homes for more than a...