Albany, Oregon Water Filter System
Shiloh Water Systems is a company that specializes in water filtration systems for your home or business in Albany. We provide the best products and customer service delivering clean, pure, running water for your home or business.
Water is an essential ingredient in our daily lives. Not only do we need it for cooking, but most importantly, for keeping ourselves hydrated. It’s important to have clean drinking water, and these days, it’s a luxury we can’t afford to live without.
Most people know that as humans, over 60% of our bodies are made up of water, so it makes sense why water is so vital to survival. If water is something that we need on a daily, even hourly basis to thrive, then it’s obvious that it should be pure and clean. Unfortunately, with aging water distribution infrastructure running through our urban cities, our tap water is often contaminated. While in small doses these contaminants won’t kill you, over time, they can potentially build up in your body and create health problems. Oregon tap water has been found to have traces of contaminants such as chromium, fluoride, lead, arsenic, barium, and other metals and elements. Our cities have fantastic treatment plants that are constantly monitoring our tap water and evaluating it to make sure it’s clean enough to drink. However, our tap water is only estimated to be drunk at a fraction of its overall usage, among the other things we use it for like cooking, showering, flushing the toilet, watering the yard, etc. So officials have created certain contamination standards for public water, but are these your and your family’s standards? The fact is that our overburdened public works departments just don’t have the resources to filter out all of the impurities on a large scale, so there are still pollutants in the water. Typically there is no immediate danger in drinking water from the tap, yet, if you want to ensure yourself and your family the healthiest life, and reduce any buildup of contaminants, installing water filters in your Albany home is recommended.
Albany Whole House Water Filter and Softener
If you want to ensure crisp, clean water in your home and protect your family from the consumption of contaminants, our water filters are a fantastic way to ensure you thrive. We also provide many other services and products depending on your needs. If clean water is very important, not only for your drinking water but for your entire home, we can install a whole house filtration system in Albany that will reduce any risk for contaminated water throughout your house. We can also provide water softeners and alkalizing solutions to make your water healthier and easier to drink. Our specially trained technicians have many years of combined experience and can provide an extensive amount of services for your home including bacteria and contaminant removal, repairs and custom pump designs.
If you’re interested in the quality of your water, we offer a free water analysis that will equip you with the information you need to make the right decision for your home going forward.
If you’re looking into Albany water filtration systems, and are curious how it would affect your water quality, contact us today for your free water test and we’d love to provide the best options.